I do my best to keep this BLOG on the humorous side of life. Many times, the things that frustrate us and try us are funny to look back on. That being said, there are some moments in life that are too big and scary to find the humor in, and that’s where I find myself today.
The company I’ve worked at for the past six years is in the process of being bought by an international corporation that is 95% larger than us. It’s a good thing for my company and shareholders to be part of this buyout. The jury is still out on whether it’s good for me personally.
The specific part of the business that I work in was a small percentage of our company before we were bought out. Now that we will be part of ABB, not only is my section small, but we provide a product that our new parent company already has covered. For all intents and purposes, it seems that my job may be unneeded.
Our company claims that no job will be lost, ‘employees will be offered a job, though it may not be what they were previously doing, or it may be in a new location.’ Does this mean we’ve moved back home from Maryland to stay for only 6 years before we’re off to some other place? Possibly.
So many questions are on my mind, but the answers won’t come until 2011 is well underway.
There are many times in life where we play the waiting game. We wait to hear about the results of a lab test from the doctor, we wait to hear if we’re going to get a job offer from that company we interviewed with, we wait to reach that wedding date when we can begin the rest of our lives together. I don’t know anyone who likes to wait when big issues like this are up in the air. But sometimes we don’t have a choice.
To those of you reading this BLOG, I’d ask that you pray for us to clearly see the direction God would have us go.
I know this is one of those “watershed” moments that turn our lives and personalities into what they are. I just want to take our family the right way.
You have always been open to the ways that God has led you and this will be no different. You understand that it may not be where YOU would have thought, but God often surprises us like that. You and the family are in our thoughts and prayers. We will also keep our ears open for any opportunities that may arise. I have a cashier position available! The pay is not great and the boss is something else. :)